Montani’s Career Coaching Program

Over the course of 15 years in human resources – interviewing thousands of impressive individuals – I (Katherine Daniel) have learned to pick up on the subtle things. It doesn’t take long for me to get a solid idea of where someone’s true passion lies and in what type of role they would likely excel. Call it a sixth sense. 


This is a skill I learned in the professional world of HR, helping coworkers navigate confusing points in their careers and mentoring those early in their work journey. But it’s a skill I also honed during informal chats over glasses of wine with friends and hours upon hours of studying personality assessments just for fun. It’s a part of my expertise I find to be more like a calling than a strength. 


I understand the value of coaching – of bettering yourself with the help and guidance of someone who has hiked that mountain before and who you trust to lead you in the right direction. Through Montani’s Career Coaching Program, this is what I hope to do for any professional who may feel lost, stuck, uninspired, or overwhelmed with possibilities. There’s a perfect career out there for everyone. Sometimes it just takes some friendly chats over a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, or a tasty brew to know your next best step.


Through Montani’s Career Coaching Program, we provide:

  • Affordable one-on-one coaching session(s) with an HR expert.
  • Guided review of personality test results that may provide clarity on your priorities and ideal work environment.
  • A personal development plan – and an accountability coach who will hold you to it.
  • Job search assistance, resume enhancement/customization and interview preparation and practice to effectively position you for your dream job.
  • Salary negotiation guidance and best practices for how to approach this with your leader.
  • An unbiased third party to weigh in on how best to navigate difficult work relationships.


At Montani, we believe no one should feel stuck in their job or overcome with dread at the start of every workweek. Make this the year you discover your ideal work life. Schedule a free 30-minute introductory call with us today!

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